Friday, May 14, 2010


When I was really young, I am typing about 4 or 5 here, I was having some pretty strange thoughts for a person that age. Or, maybe quite normal thoughts for that age. Maybe it was just cognitive development taking its normal course in the brain, or perhaps it was all the public television that my mom made me watch when I was child, but I was pretty attentive for that age. The subject of sight was a subject that I spent many a afternoon contemplating. At first it was a simple question such as, how can the eye see such detail and my mind process all of this? A question like that now a days would seem pretty easy to answer, but the questions themselves kept on progressing. The big question ended up being this, how is it that I know that when I see an object, or a certain color, that it is only I and I alone who can see that color or object? Is it only unique to me? When someone else glances at the tree that I am staring at, do they see the same beauty, or even a tree standing there in the sun. Now, this part my sound stupid, but the other day I finally resolved the question and put it to rest after a little over 2 decades of thinking about it. While driving to the university I settled on several facts. First, if it was only myself seeing the road ahead of me, and everyone else so a separate road, then the commute sure would be a crappy mess. Second, it had never occurred to me that all I needed to do was check my thinking against the traffic light( Like I said, I was only a little child when I started thinking this perplexing thought, driving a car is not at the top of your priorities when your feet can't reach the pedals). We are all in agreement of those 3 colors. Green go, yellow yield, and red stop. Or, if you are running late to work or school, green go, yellow speed up, and red hesitate.

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